Use this map of our curriculum to determine which area of your life you most need to work on
If you don't know where to start click here
Understanding the overall model of Success, Health and Happiness means we will be able to add components to get us where we want to be with greater speed and efficiency
I bet this is the thing we hooked you onto this site with. Bigger house, faster car, this that and the other. You can have all of those things but we are going to give you so much more. Balance, peace, happiness, cups of hot chocolate... all good stuff
If you have been really healthy then you know that it feels amazing. How come so few of us manage to sustaining it? I bet an answer just popped into your head. So many of us feel we have the answers. Well, we feel we have the answers as well and since this is our website let's go with what we think. Finding a good plan is the hard part, sticking to a plan is the even more harder part
Educating ourselves on life skills is critical. You can stop learning when you get to 120 years old